Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Beatus Natalis!

Which, if google translate is performing as advertised, means Happy Bithday! Yessir, today is my birthday. I was arrived in this world on the second day of October, a Thursday, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty and two.  I was born in Toledo Hospital at around 5:30 AM, with Dr. Henry Brown assisting in the birth.  He was our family doctor, and a good one. I'm seventy-two years old today, and thanks to clean living, regular exercise, and a healthy diet I've managed to make it this far in spite of my regular association with women of questionable moral character, supporting myself against the bar with my left elbow while I hold my cocktail in my right hand, and only eating my fair share of the pizza we ordered - we, that is, being myself and a few drinking companions. 

Seventy two.

This post may be somewhat lengthy, so, given the general interest in a single day of the author's life coupled with the somewhat abbreviated assiduity of the readers here, feel free to go elsewhere. Believe me, no one will be offended.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

CCW: One up the pipe or not?

 About a week ago I stopped off at the corner gas station to buy a pair of lottery tickets. Hey, you never know, right? This station is in a prime location, and despite heavy traffic (which is desirable if you own the station) people stop in here to buy road food, junk food, oddities of all sorts including common OTC drugs, and lottery tickets. They don't pay the staff a whole lot, and it shows.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Monkey Pox! Monkey Pox!

I was inspired by a post over at Filthie’s Log Of Ease, where our noble host wonders just how Monkey Pox, or Mpox, is spread.  Here's a link to the article: Walking On The Wild Side.

From the article by Glen Filthie:

Near as I can tell Monkey Pox is pretty much Darwin and Murphy hating on queers. If you limit your exposure to them and their lifestyle you have very little to worry about. One is tempted to be complacent and contemptuous of the red alerts coming out of the medicos after the Covid scam… but we can’t afford to do that! [Emphasis mine - MJ]

He's right. Having done a little research on the subject, there are a few key points to consider.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Elaina Rose Jennings, Daniel John Giacchina, Torture and the Death Penalty

I'm often against the death penalty.  As screwed up and corrupt as our justice system is in the United States, I don't trust any of them to get it right the first time. There are exceptions, and here I wordlessly point to the Innocence Project, which wouldn't exist if the justice system was anything close to perfect.  Then I read about a case like this one and start to ponder the good old lynch mob.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Even More Stupidity on FB

Some wind-up toy (Linda Jacobs Rice) on FuckBook posted this piece of drivel, and for some reason it just got on my very last nerve.  Here's the post and my response, deliberately worded to avoid Ef-Bee's robo censures. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Current Level of Stupidity

I read Nextdoor, a predominantly left wing social media site which features local news as reported by Nextdoor members.  This is occasionally useful, as crimes are often reported on Nextdoor and never seen on commercial media.  Shootings, robberies, hurled insults and fecal matter along with the fallout from same are reported and blame is assigned along with suggested penalties.  I believe burning at the stake is mentioned on occasion, usually in response to a thread that is tilted to the political right.

This would be a whole lot less interesting than it already is if not for the blatant display of willful ignorance that surfaces from day to day.  For instance, here we have the start of something.

If this story is true, what happened was the attempted kidnapping of a child.  This is a serious crime, and if I were involved I would have likely put some lead in the air.  The reactions were about what you'd expect, with the prime example being this little nugget of - I don't know, information? Informed opinion?

This is nuts. I can't tell of MaryJo DeBlasis is serious or not, but she got some support for this creative bit of insanity.  Now me, I think I know who the next mayor of Crazytown is going to be - and it ain't Bidet.

These people vote. My belief is that they vote the straight crazy ticket, and if there is one thing wrong with our system of government, it's that everyone is allowed to vote or to run for office.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Dog is On the Prod

I got this from the Bayou Renaissance Man, who got it from Lawdog.  I think it's worth reading, and so am devoting a post to it.

My own comments are fairly succinct.  Our current president, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., is suffering from dementia.  The symptoms have been visible for over a year, and now the Democrats want him to run for another term - and he's incapable.  I actually feel sorry for the man.  You might as well inform me, Mad Jack, that I'm on the U.S. Olympic Track and Field team, and that I'm expected to bring home a gold medal.  Biden was fine as the Ayatollah Obongo's V.P. when all he had to do was breath and show a pulse. Now? Not just no, but hell no.

Our current vice president, Kamala Devi Harris, is arguably sane enough, but she's stupid.  Put it another way, she isn't smart enough to hold the office of vice president, let alone president, and the moonbats know it.  If Kamala got into the oval office, I'd end up as one of the names listed on the back page of the local scandal sheet as refusing to report to the political reeducation camp.  At best, I'd end up living in a trailer parked in Glen Filthie's back yard.

It's three hours until happy hour, but what the hell.  Like the man said, it's five o'clock somewhere.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Rusty Baldwin Shooting: Question

I'm posting this because my knowledge of firearms and the Baldwin shooting is insufficient to answer it for myself.

Monday, June 10, 2024


I'm phobic.  I'm afraid to go to the dentist.  No reason, just phobic.

So today I'm going in to get my chops fixed.  I busted a chop last week, and today I'm getting a new cap installed.  And then, just because I guess, while I was getting my chops cleaned last week one of the caps came off.  I'll give the hygienist credit; she didn't say what I'd have said which would be something along the lines of Oh holy hell on a biscuit... don't move, I'll get the dentist.  Oh yeah.

I take drugs to calm me down.  My old dentist suggested he give me a running start across the parking lot and he'd nail me with a tranquilizer rifle.

My appointment is this afternoon.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cookout Season 2024

Cookout, backyard barbecue, picnic, whatever.  Summer's here, and I'm inspired to do my annual civic duty in the form of a public reminder on graceful human behavior.

A Typical Backyard

I got this one from someone named Jae Loso (Jabrya) (JTLoso) on the book of faces and fuckups, and she comes close to getting it right.